St. Mark's Lutheran Church - God's Work, Our Hands.
  • St. Mark's Lutheran Church
  • 1508 W. 12th Ave
  • Emporia, KS 66801
  • 620.342.5850
  • Office Hours 9-12 M-F, Worship 9am Sunday

Pastor's Daily Devotion - coming soon!

Sunday Worship 9am

September 18th's Senior Community Meal Menu:   Lasagna, green salad, garlic bread, cake.  Only $5 per meal and please call 620-342-5850 to make your reservation so we have an idea of how much to make. 



Pastor's Welcome


Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

At St. Mark's, we offer a welcoming place to gather for worship, seek Christ, grow in faith, and serve the community.

This mission statement guides everything we do as part of the Body of Christ here in Emporia. We may be a smaller congregation, but we do amazing ministry both within our congregation and our community.

If you are looking for a church home that is excited about doing ministry, please join us for worship or one of our ministry opportunities. God is at work through us as we share God's love with all people.

In Christ, Pastor Kent

Pastor Kent Happel

Contact Pastor Kent

Upcoming Events



Church Choir practice begins Thursday, September 5th at 4:15pm and will continue weekly on Thursdays at 4:15pm.



September 14 Men's Group organizational meeting at 9 am in the Garden Room.  Coffee and donuts to be served.

September 15  Blessing of the quilts during worship service.

September 16 Caring Cards meets at 10 am.

September 18 Community Senior Meals at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm with visiting until 2 pm.

September 29 Congregational Meeting following the worship service.

September 29  Rage Against the Stigma at Peter Pan Park from 11 until 2

This event focuses on the mental health of men but there are activities and information for all people. Activities include axe throwing, disc golf putting contest, r/c car races, car and tractor show, weight lifting competition, local organizations and resources and food trucks.

September 30 140th Anniversary meeting at 6 pm




Watch for more details!

Attending Worship Online


All services, whether we are in the sanctuary or not, are held on Zoom and livestreamed to YouTube.

Click here for access instructions to Zoom.


All of our services are livestreamed on YouTube and available to watch any time.

Click here and be sure to subscribe!  St. Mark YouTube Channel