• St. Mark's Lutheran Church
  • 1508 W. 12th Ave
  • Emporia, KS 66801
  • 620.342.5850
  • Office Hours 9-12 M-F, Worship 9am Sunday

Committee Teams

The ministry that happens at St. Mark's does not happen without the help and dedication of many people. It takes planning to ensure that everything goes smoothly which is why we have a number of committees that either meet as needed or meets on a regular basis. Please give prayerful consideration to serving in an area that you are interested in. You can also just help with a certain event/project if that is where your interest lies. 

Worship & Music          Family Life & Learning          Service

Property                            Witness & Fellowship            Finance

Safety/Security              Communication/Tech 


Worship Help

Worship is the work of the people as we glorify God and give thanks for all of the ways in which God has blessed us. We have greeters/ushers, communion assistants, assisting ministers, and musicians who all help us to have a powerful and meaningful worship. Our goal is to provide a worship experience where everyone will experience God and that cannot be done without the help of others. 


Altar Guild

Altar Guild is responsible for making sure our worship space is ready. They set the altar for Holy Communion, fill the candles with oil and change the paraments. 



Choir meets one Thursday every three to four weeks from 6 to 7:30 pm to work on the music for the coming weeks. They also meet at 8:15 on Sunday mornings to go over the song for that particular day. 


Sunday School

We have an intergenerational Sunday school class that meets from 10:30 to 11:00 on Sunday mornings. You are welcome to bring your snacks in from fellowship and join in the conversation on that day's readings or message. We meet during the school year in the Parlor.


Prayer Chain

The prayer chain is a group of people who are committed to praying for whoever is in need of prayers. A prayer request is usually called in to pastor who will then forward it on through a text message. The prayer chain team will then pray for the need for a week unless there is an update which will then extend the original request by another week. Confidentiality is vital because this is not a gossip group.


Caring Card Coffee

Caring Cards typically meets in the Garden Room on the 3rd Monday of the month at 10 am to do cards for homebound and those who are sick. 



They meet at 9:00 am on the second Saturday of the month in Fellowship Hall. They tie the quilts and get them ready for use.


Grey Gourmets

This is a fellowship group that meets at noon on the second Tuesday of the month for a potluck meal. Most people who attend are retired or semiretired. Bring something to share and your own plate to enjoy good food and fellowship. 


Men's Fellowship

Men's fellowship meets on the second Saturday of the month at 8:00 am for breakfast at a local restaurant.